Chairman Message :

Dr. Uttamrao Mahajan

It’s my pleasure to state that Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe Sanchalit, Dr. Uttamrao Mahajan Institute of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic) Dist. Jalgaon is inculcating life meticulously & imparting the best in every field of knowledge in more purposeful manner. The college has succeeded in getting all the courses of Enginnering Profession (Polytechnic). Students hard work and dedication towards there field is very important.  The hard work of today is the triumph of the future. The time and effort you spend today are the deciding factors of your later years. As the chairman of this institution, I anticipate the full participation and cooperation of the students and parents to make it possible for us to transform those dreams to reality. And if there is any assistance that you might need, may it be personal or professional,

I have every hope that during your years at the College as a Student, you will work in every manner towards our mission. Through this forum, I compliment and congratulate the entire Institution (Faculty, Non-Teaching Staff and Students) and wish all the best to rise to higher scales in the field of professional education.

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